Legislation or Bill(s)

SB 1304 - passed by House and Senate, awaiting governor's signature

Collection of Video

Cameras must be turned on when the officer is on duty and must be capable of recording for 10 hours or more

Cameras may be turned off when: (1) the officer is inside the patrol car, (2) a victim or witness requests the camera be turned off, (3) the officer is interacting with a confidential informant, (4) the officer is engaged in community caretaking functions

Retention of Video

Recordings must be retained for 90 days

If the footage is flagged, it must be retained for two years. Footage is flagged when: (1) a complaint has been filed, (2) an officer discharged a firearm, (3) death or great bodily harm occurred, (4) the recording led to detention or arrest, (5) the officer is subject to an investigation, (6) the recording has evidentiary value, (7) the officer requests the video be flagged

FOIA Exemptions

FOIA disclosures must be redacted to remove identification of all who are not an officer, the subject of an encounter, or directly involved in an encounter

Covered by general FOIA exemptions