Legislation or Bill(s)

Two bills proposed in state legislature (HF 292 and HF 452)

Collection of Video

Both HF 292 and HF 452 would require poliec officers to wear body cameras at all times when on duty. HF 452 would allow an officer to turn off the camera at the request of an informant or victim

Retention of Video

HF 292 would require all footage to be retained for two years

HF 452 would require all recordings to be retained for 30 days, but would extend this to 3 years if the recording (1) depicts an incident involving the use of force or the detention or arrest, (2) is relevant to a complaint, or (3) a person being recorded requests that the recording be retained

FOIA Exemptions

HF 292 would make camera recordings confidential only if they are part of an ongoing criminal investigation

HF 452 would allow allow disclosure only if each person who is part of the content of the recording gives written consent

Covered by General FOIA Exemptions