Legislation or Bill(s)

One bill proposed in state legislature (HB 2137), proposal not enacted.One bill in Senate (Sub SB 18) modifying restrictions on disclosure of recordings

Collection of Video

HB 2137 would require cameras to be turned on at all times when officer is on duty and must be continuously recording except for during personal breaks. Residents of houses officers enter under nonexigent circumstances may request the cameras be turned off

Retention of Video

HB 2137 would require all recordings to be retained for two weeks. Recordings would be kept for three years for (1) incidents involving use of force, (2) incidents leading to detention or arrest, (3) if relevant to a complaint, or (4) if a subject of the recording requests that recording be retained

FOIA Exemptions

HB 2137 would exempt all recordings from the Kansas Open Records Act

Sub SB 18: would allow only the subject of the recording to view footage

Sub SB 18: would allow only the subject of the recording to view footage