Legislation or Bill(s)

HB 533 signed into law on May 12, 2015.

Codified in MD. CODE ANN. PUB. SAFETY 3-510 (West 2015) and wiretapping exception codified in MD. CODE ANN. CTS & JUD. PROC. 10-402 c(11) (West 2015).

Collection of Video

Requires Police Training Commission to create policies on when recordings are mandatory, prohibited, or discretionary, when consent is required for recording, and when a recording may be ended

Retention of Video

Requires Police Training Commission to create policy on how recordings will be retained

FOIA Exemptions

Requires Police Training Commission to create policy on access to recordings, release of recordings, and protections for individuals who have expectation of privacy in private or public places

Covered by General FOIA Exemptions