Legislation or Bill(s)

Two bills proposed in state legislature (HB 4229 and HB 4234). Neither proposal has been enacted.

Collection of Video

HB 4229 would require all uniformed officers to use body cameras while on duty, but residents of houses officers enter under nonexigent circumstances may request the cameras be turned off

Retention of Video

HB 4229 would require that all recordings be retained for two weeks, and for 3 years if (1) footage contains incidents involving the use of force, (2) footage contains incidents leading to detention or arrest, (3) footage is relevant to a complaint, (4) the subject of the recording makes a request.

HB 4234 would require all recordings be retained for 30 days, and for 3 years if (1) relevant to a complaint, (2) the subject of the recording makes a request.

FOIA Exemptions

HB 4234 would exempt video recordings taken inside private places from Michigan FOIA requests.

Covered by General FOIA Exemptions